Alternatively referred to as a negative indent, a hanging indent is an indent that indents all text except the first line. For space between the numbers and text, pick "TAB" and set appropriate tabs. Here's an example of what he had both lines are styled. For line spacing, select "Paragraph" and change the space before or after. He had a heading on two lines, and he wanted the heading to display on a single line in the Table of Contents (TOC). At the bottom of the Modify Style dialog is the "Formatting" button. You start in the same place for both, you modify the TOC styles. Secondly, how do I change the spacing in a table of contents? If there are two parts to a main heading, they are separated by a heading space as well (e.g., CHAPTER 1 is separated by a heading space from INTRODUCTION, which is then followed by a heading space). That might sound like a chore, butfortunately, you can do it in just a few clicks. See Section 2.2.3 and the appendices for more details on heading spaces. When you’re creating or editing a long document, you’llprobably have to create a table of contents. On the Indents and Spacing tab, under Indentation, select First line. Main headings are always followed by a heading space.Select Format, and then choose Paragraph.On the Home tab, right-click the Normal style, and choose Modify.Put the cursor anywhere in the paragraph.

Similarly, how do you change the indent in Word? First-line indent by default In the Modify Style pane, make your changes.Repeat this step to modify the settings for TOC 1 5.