Then after it has scanned all items in your bags that are in groups you can post your auctions by utilizing the macro we bound to our scroll wheel.Įventually you will be posting hundreds of auctions at a time and scrolling through them is a massive time saver.Ĭancel scans will go through your auctions for the groups selected to see if any of your auctions have been undercut. The way this works is it scans the AH for the item and resolves your pricing rules. The post scan option will go through all the groups you have selected and post auctions according to your operations. Doing the scansīelow the group selection you have two options, “Run Post Scan” and “Run Cancel Scan”. In some cases it is better to just scan a few groups such as if you want to repost enchants only, as one of your posted ones sold.

I usually scan all my groups at the same time. In this area you choose the groups you want to perform an auctioning scan for. You will only find groups here that has an auctioning operation applied. The top part, marked in red, is where all your groups show up. We will mostly care about the left part here. It should look like the screenshot below. Now that we have the macro setup and a group with operations for enchants it’s time to head to the auction house. After setting up the macro I can just hold down control and roll the mousewheel to post my auctions when performing an auctioning scan. My setup is shown in the screenshot below. You can choose which actions you want to bind to the macro as well as which modifier you want to use. Click macros to open the macro setup menu. To do so we head to the settings pane in TSM by opening the main TSM window with /tsm. The first thing we want to do is to set up the scroll wheel macro. It will post or buy according to the rules defined in your operations. You can bind this macro to your mousewheel to make buying and posting a large amount of auctions incredibly effective.

The main way it does this is by introducing a single macro for posting, buying and even canceling auctions. The main advantageĪs I have mentioned before the main advantage of TSM is that it allows you to save a ton of time when purchasing and selling items, as you can make all of your decision making rules up front. It’s now time to go look at how we use the auctioning operations to actually buy and sell items. Up to this point I have covered the basics of building TSM settings.